Drystone Chambers
35 Bedford Row
DX: 332 London/Chancery Lane
Drystone Chambers, the chambers of Allison Summers KC, is a leading London-based criminal chambers with an outstanding reputation in criminal, local authority and trading standards, regulatory and professional discipline law. Members of Chambers appear in a wide range of serious and complex cases throughout London and on the South Eastern, Midland and Western circuits, defending and prosecuting.
Information for our clients and anyone considering using our services
Drystone Chambers barristers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board.
You have the right to make a complaint. You can read our Complaints Procedure here.
Complainants unhappy with the outcome of any complaint may take up their complaint with the Legal Ombudsman, which is the body that looks at complaints about legal service providers. Please note that the Legal Ombudsman has time limits in which a complaint must be raised with them. These time limits and details of how to complain to the Legal Ombudsman are explained in our Complaints Procedure.
Details of who has a right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman are available on their website here.
The Legal Ombudsman publishes data about the final decisions made concerning legal service providers, which you can find here.
The Bar Standards Board (BSB) is the body that regulates barristers. You can use the Barristers’ Register, available here, which is an online database on the BSB website displaying details of all barristers who are authorised to practice in England and Wales and who have a current practising certificate. The Register also shows whether a barrister has any disciplinary findings.
Cases awaiting trial in Crown Court
Number of criminal barristers (approximately)
Percentage of the Judiciary who are women
Percentage of women in population in England and Wales