William Carter

Call 1989

"William never fails to impress. He is an outstanding advocate with a wealth of experience. He would be my go-to on every case if it were possible."

Chambers & Partners 2025

"He is a hugely talented lawyer with an eye for detail who can forensically dissect a case."

Chambers & Partners 2025

‘William is an outstanding advocate and always well-prepared. His submissions are thoughtful, to the point, and gets the law right. He has excellent judgement in trials.’

The Legal 500 2025

"William is a first-class advocate, equally good for prosecution and defence. He is always well-prepared, his trial skills are second to none, and his cross-examination of the other side's witnesses is often devastating."

The Legal 500 2024

"William is extremely hard-working and conscientious."

Chambers & Partners 2023

"He is a compelling advocate."

Chambers & Partners 2023

"He is an exceptional counsel."

Chambers & Partners 2023

"William is able to forensically assess a case."

Chambers & Partners 2023

Highly respected by judges and colleagues alike, William Carter is a Grade 4 and RASSO prosecutor, who has forged a reputation as one of the most knowledgeable and able practitioners in East Anglia.

He prosecutes and defends in many of the most serious criminal cases, and regularly appears as leading junior in cases ranging from murder to fraud.

He has a particular expertise in medico-legal cases involving sudden death and serious injury in infants. He is also often instructed in cases involving death by driving.

For many years he has been a contributing editor of Archbold, the criminal practitioners’ handbook, and is known for his attention to detail and meticulous preparation in complex cases.


Will has appeared in many cases of murder and manslaughter, ; involving ‘county-lines’, loss of control and diminished responsibility.

He has prosecuted and defended in manslaughter cases ranging from ‘one punch’ manslaughter to gross negligence manslaughter where there are complex technical issues.

Notable Murder & Manslaughter cases

R. v. H.

‘County lines ’ murder, leading junior defending youth accused of murder with a ‘ninja’ sword.

R. v. C.

Prosecuting murder by arson where there were complex issues as to the defendant’s mental state.

R. v. R.

Defending ‘one punch’ manslaughter.

Will has prosecuted and defended in many RASSO cases, and has considerable expertise in this area.

Notable Sexual Offences cases

R. v S.

Successful prosecution for rape where previous counsel had advised that there was no reasonable prospect of conviction, and victim had exercised her right to review.

Will has extensive experience of historic sexual offences both for the prosecution and defence. Some of these cases have dated back as far as the 1950’s. He is familiar with the difficulties which can arise in such cases and has the experience to overcome them.

Will has appeared in several cases involving gangs and OCG’s. Such cases often rely on communications data. Will is known for his ability to master such detailed evidence to determine the best outcome.

Notable Gangs & Organised Crime Groups cases

R. v. D. & others

Prosecuted a county-lines OCG based in London and operating in East Anglia. The case revolved around the phone and cell-site data.

R. v L. & others

Prosecuted as leading junior 12 defendants who had conspired to commit burglary. There were over 250 substantive offences to put before the court. Will was responsible for the reduction of a huge volume of material to a bundle which was readily understandable by a jury. All defendants were convicted.

R. v P. & others

Defence in a case involving an OCG trafficking women from Eastern Europe for the purposes of prostitution.

Will has acted in many cases involving death by driving, from those charged as manslaughter to those involving careless driving. He has particular expertise in dealing with the expert evidence which generally comes with such cases.

Notable Driving Fatalities / Causing Serious Injury cases

R. v. C

Successful prosecution for causing death by careless driving where the deceased had been over the limit.

R. v. B

– Successful prosecution for death by dangerous driving where the issue of causation was central.

R. v. I

Defended in motor manslaughter, where car was used as a weapon.

Will has prosecuted and defended in many cases of serious fraud of the years. He is known for his ability to reduce such cases to the issues that matter and present the with complete clarity to a jury.

Notable Criminal Fraud cases

R. v. L.

Defence of a solicitor charged with defrauding the client account of
£2 million.

For many years Will has had a particular interest and expertise in cases involving  and injury sustained by babies and very young children. He has developed an expertise in the medical aspects of such cases, in particular brain injury.

Notable Sudden death and serious injury to babies and infants cases

R. v B

Defence of a mother accused of shaking her baby.

R. v A

Defence of father accused of shaking his baby.

R. v B & B

Prosecution of parents accused of seriously injuring a baby.

Associations and Memberships

  • BA (Hons) Trinity College Oxford
  • Dip. Law (City University)

  • Criminal Bar Association


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